The simplicity of

The portfolio of Charanjeet Saggu. A versatile Senior UX Designer with 15+ years of experience in user-centred design across digital agencies and enterprises. Expert in complex system interaction solutions, with strong HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript skills.

Latest Case Studies

Business Transformation

Increasing site conversion - Discoverabilitynavigation-next-alternate

A successful modernisation project, resulting in a significant improvement in key performance metrics, including a +8.2% increase in overall site conversion rates and a boost in revenue per user. The project demonstrated the value of research-driven, user-centric design, leading to a future-proof website.

Strategy Mapping User Journeys Rapid Prototyping User Testing Documentation Analysis

Business Transformation

Prototyping and Iterating - Booking Enginenavigation-next-alternate

User testing prototypes to create a product that significantly improves the user experience, making it much easier for users to find and modify their room selections and ancillaries.

Research Stakeholder Engagement User Journeys Rapid Prototyping User Testing MVP Documentation Iteration Adaptation

Business Transformation

Helping guest to self serve - My Accountnavigation-next-alternate

Successfully laid the groundwork for a self-service platform that will significantly improve user experience and reduce call centre reliance. The MVP will set the stage for future enhancements as new technologies and data structures become available.

Feature Mapping Stakeholder Engagement User Journeys Prototyping User Testing Iteration Adaptation Workshops

Business Transformation

Successful searches increase conversions - Searchabilitynavigation-next-alternate

Streamlining how users search for hotels, entertainment, and break types, ensuring a seamless booking journey. Delivering core search capabilities while allowing for future enhancements.

Wireframes Feature Mapping User Journeys Prototyping User Testing Iteration